Thursday, October 18, 2007


13th Arcana [Ryoji FL]
The Death Arcana fanlisting, join today!

*cough* Kuliah sudah dimulai dan saya masih pusing bagaimana cara menyelesaikan hal2 yang berkaitan dengan laporan yang masih jauh dari selesai padahal lusa harus dikumpulin. Sepertinya harus lembur lagi saya.... =___=.

Gah, mana keadaan kesehatan lg ga bagus lagi!

In another note, I finally finish HOUSE MD season 2! Bagus, basus, capek nontonnya gila, tapi keren sih, I still think it's never been a lupus anyways.

Masih harus juga nyelesein Layout buat RP DDSnya si Vanessa. Kayaknya harus di undur dulu yah proyek RP DDS sama P3ny, I've got too much things I must handle rite nao. Dan lagi astaga.. nilai ujian yang sudah pasti ancur ;__;. God forbid me.

The most anticipated expansion! XD :

Sengoku Basara 2 Heroes trailerrr!!! AZAI NAGAMASA-SAN YOU ARE SO COOL! Keep fighting and protect the love and the justice! And omg, the OP song is from Abingdon Boys School's newest single! WAO WAO! 燃え上がる!!!!!!!!!! XD


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